Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Students and adults alike seem to have an infatuation with Wikipedia.  After all, when I go to google to find information on a topic, Wikipedia is usually within the first five of the search results.  There seems to be an entry in Wikipedia on everything.

Why then is Wikipedia a bad thing?  Why aren't you allowed to use Wikipedia for school projects? 

Wikipedia can be highly unreliable and innaccurate.  In fact, they state on their own website that some of their content is "complete rubbish."  This is because anyone can go onto Wikipedia and add information on a topic, when they may or may not have accurate information or be an expert on the topic.  For example, I could go to Wikipedia and add to their entry on the Amish and state that all Amish have electric quesadilla makers, when that is absolutely not true.

Wikipedia is the first to admit their unreliability.  Read this link and see for yourself:

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